Wednesday, June 1, 2011

formal straight hairstyles

formal straight hairstyles. Formal Short Straight
  • Formal Short Straight

  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 09:52 AM
    He's just speaking truth to power. It's a violent outburst caused by the man's oppression by the white majority. It's unfortunate that a woman was beat up, but we must consider the root cause - whites.

    Seriously, I had to write papers on this crap. It's pretty awesome. I took it as a lesson on how you can win any argument by changing the rules.

    Hahahahaha, omg, this is hysterical that you actually believe this! Racism is anything but colorblindness. Period. It doesn't matter if you're "oppressed" or the "minority". And to say that it's whites fault that a seriously misled person beat up a woman... ? HA, take a step back, pull whatever it is out of your butt, re-read your diploma, and rethink everything you think if you still agree with yourself when you posted this.

    And WOW you "wrote papers"?! wait a second while I bow to me knees

    Hopefully your reply was actually deeply rooted in sarcasm and I just didn't pick up on it

    formal straight hairstyles. Medium Length Formal Wavy
  • Medium Length Formal Wavy

  • Ugg
    Apr 28, 11:21 PM
    This may be true - further analysis is needed. Either way, concrete roads (like interstates and state highways) are much more resistant to this type of wear than asphalt. And again, the real culprits are soil conditions and thermal expansion/contraction.

    If that's the case, then 18 wheels are going to heat up a road faster than four. I'd also like to see the impact of braking on road surfaces. I'm sure it's significant.

    It's all more or less pointless because if you want to argue efficiency, the trucks don't rank very high on the scale. Trains win that argument hands down.

    If you really want to argue the issue then it should be about how many extra miles or lanes of asphalt are needed to support all the commercial trucks on the road. I'll bet it's a lot.

    formal straight hairstyles. Straight Hairstyles | New
  • Straight Hairstyles | New

  • BeSweeet
    Apr 12, 02:56 PM
    No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.

    That's Apple for ya!

    formal straight hairstyles. Medium, Straight, Formal
  • Medium, Straight, Formal

  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 22, 06:58 PM
    Since when did MR allow 12 year old trolls onto the forums? :rolleyes:

    Since Facebook dumbed down the human race. Or at least showed it to the world.


    formal straight hairstyles. formal classic updo.
  • formal classic updo.

  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 15, 03:22 AM
    I'll join the iChat :)

    I didnt know you had a IRC, MacRumors! I'll add that, too!

    Thanks :)

    formal straight hairstyles. Formal Hairstyles With
  • Formal Hairstyles With

  • efoto
    Sep 17, 10:42 AM
    I hate to say it efoto, but the situation sounds dire.

    As a woman who has worked retail, I am sure she remembers you as well... and... if she had been interested, I think she would have found an excuse to 'help' you out. :(

    :edit: and yes, I read through the whole post. :p

    Fine fine, I could see that (but I refuse to believe it :D ). Can you offer any insight as to why she would have made contact outside of her paid-to-make-contact environment (I took this to mean at least slight interest) and then the next chance she seems to skirt off? It is almost like we hooked up at a party, she said all the right things, then in the morning woke up and saw what I looked like....never to return :p. I will make the wild assumption she wasn't drunk, and therefore the above statement has some holes in it....can you fill any?


    formal straight hairstyles. Formal Short Straight
  • Formal Short Straight

  • mountainbiker
    Oct 27, 08:26 AM
    The line was pretty mad, but it seemed to move rather quickly once the doors were opened at 6pm. My hat is off to those who in the queue who had a word with the queue cutters as well as the Apple staff. (Dear queue cutters get with the program, or go back to your friends at Microsoft.)

    I was amazed at the number of people in the queue that didn't buy Leopard. LOL... was the lame free t-shirt really worth your time in the queue?

    I was a bit embarrassed by all the hot women who asked us what we were queuing up for. Oops, was I really standing in a queue for 2 hours on a Friday night. Hell ya! I saw the ladies later with a big box in my pocket.

    Apple you get poor marks for selling Leopard right by entrance door and free t-shirts. It was rather disorganized. (Lets hope you learn for next month's iPhone event.) Upstairs seemed like it could use a few more rows of seats.

    I got the new OS. A belly full of sushi. A bloodstream full of alcohol. And, a much lighter wallet. Fun times. I love London!

    formal straight hairstyles. sleek straight hairstyle
  • sleek straight hairstyle

  • HyperZboy
    Mar 25, 02:35 PM
    While reading these pages, what amazes me is that many people keep calling KODAK a patent troll.


    2 other companies have already settled on similar lawsuits.

    Earth to MacRumors members... APPLE WILL LOSE TOO MOST LIKELY.

    That's why I say Apple should just buy KODAK up and get all the royalties for all those patents that so many other companies are already paying or lost lawsuits regarding.

    Seems like a no-brainer to me. Apple has the cash, that's for sure. If you're gonna pay it out anyway, why not get something you didn't have in return?


    formal straight hairstyles. Beautiful Long Straight
  • Beautiful Long Straight

  • Designer Dale
    Mar 4, 01:56 PM
    Nicely framed flower photo. Good use of DOF to add to the prominence of the subject while allowing the background to have it's own character. You have contrast in the brightness of subject and background which are, intriguingly, complementary colors...:)

    I went out to make use of the first bit of sunshine I've seen for ages:
    Same issue of lack of sun over here, too. I like the feel of this posed shot. I think it would be a bit stronger if the watch face were more visible. It's kind of hard to tell if the time is the same. Shooting this with something like a pocket watch on the sundial would be interesting, too. Similar shape but different "mechanisms".


    formal straight hairstyles. Formal Short Hairstyles
  • Formal Short Hairstyles

  • generik
    Oct 10, 10:57 PM
    I think the Mini and Macbook will go C2D at the same time and this will be at the same time or just shortly after the Macbook Pro. With MBP line, I would expect the slowest CPU offering to be the 2.16GHz with an option of a 2.33GHz upgrade and the 2.33 will probably be standard on the 17". The Mini and Macbook will probably get the 1.6GHz and 1.83GHz C2D chips with an option to upgrade to the 2GHz C2D. At the 2GHz mark, it's still Core 2, but has half the cache and still a notch slower than MBP offerings. MBP may also have a 2GHz offering, but it will be the 4MB L2 cache chip.

    Considering the Mini got bumped lately do you reckon that's very likely?


    formal straight hairstyles. Formal Short Straight
  • Formal Short Straight

  • maz-o
    Apr 12, 01:21 PM
    No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.
    Unless you're Mythbusters

    formal straight hairstyles. Children Formal Hairstyles
  • Children Formal Hairstyles

  • Keleko
    Mar 5, 04:10 PM
    I saw some of the difficulties in cropping this, and wondered if an oval crop would help. Once I started playing with it, then I started really seeing the ovals/circles: chips, cups, table, his hat, her glasses, tomatoes. And I saw the rectangles: floor tiles, trays, paper dishes. More contrasts! After experimenting with the oval crop, it felt right to put this within a rectangle frame --another contrast, and it makes me feel more like I'm sneaking a peek at this couple, as Keleko did when shooting this pict.

    What do you think?

    I think it feels a little too tight for me. It might work if it was more room in it, though. I saw someone else disagreed with the oval, though. Anyone else have thoughts?

    (Keleko: I saw some of your other flickr photos from this day. Some good candidates for the Surrealism contest!)

    Dang, I already posted one from a long while ago for the contest. I didn't think any of the museum shots fit the surreal theme. Which ones did you think were a good fit? (You can PM them to me if you prefer.)


    formal straight hairstyles. Straight hairstyles present
  • Straight hairstyles present

  • rreichenfeld
    Aug 14, 11:39 AM
    I love the ads, but the credit goes to the director of the ads. This Justin Long fellow shouldn't be the topic of conversaition. Actuallly the Windows guys is much cooler, he is John Hodgman the author of "The Area's of my Expertise". He also appears on The Daily Show with John Stewart regularly.

    I'm not dissing Long, but there are just other people who should be recognized before him.

    formal straight hairstyles. Short, Straight, Formal Hairstyles
  • Short, Straight, Formal Hairstyles

  • mikelegacy
    Jan 4, 12:47 PM
    I picked it up. I let you know how it is. I've never bought TomTom or Navigon, because all I've ever had was Garmin devices, and it's AT LEAST $10 cheaper than any other GPS app with Canada maps as well as US. (I like to travel to canada on occasion). The constant updating for free is a major plus, that's the one thing i missed about my old non-smartphone VZ navigator.

    As far as the no onboard maps...that's a bit of a concern. Most of my driving is done within a 3G coverage area, but I've read that it has a way of keeping the maps downloaded even if you drop data coverage. Hopefully this is true.

    EDIT: here is the link for that article i read:

    I will cover Garmin's method of handling maps when a phone is out of data range in my review.
    At least it is hopeful then...


    formal straight hairstyles. Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle
  • Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle

  • MacProGuy
    Sep 19, 10:19 PM
    You can't boot XP from CD on a Mac. You can't you can't you can't. The Mac boots using EFI, which XP doesn't support.

    You need to use Boot Camp to install it, as legacy BIOS emulation has to be loaded specifically for XP.

    PLEASE... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.... don't talk if you don't know what you are saying. I'm not perfect... but I can absolutely, ABSOLUTELY guarantee ... GUARANTEE YOU... that you CAN indeed boot XP from the new Macs WITHOUT BOOTCAMP WHATSOEVER.

    That is how I have my iMac (24") setup...

    The FIRST thing I did when I took her out of the box was insert the WINXP SP2 CD... (nothing slipstreamed)... and hold down the "c" key...

    Voila! Booting into XP Setup... COMPLETELY FORMATTED THE ENTIRE 500GB DRIVE with XP... and she runs great.

    I then attached an EXTERNAL FW800 RAID 0 Setup (1TB now)... and boot OS X off that external slice...

    So... JUST SO YOU KNOW! Please try not to confuse the rest of the class Billy, uhmKay? ;)

    formal straight hairstyles. Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle
  • Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle

  • p0intblank
    Sep 25, 11:52 AM
    I've had enough of this voting system. Look for a thread on it in the Community Discussion.

    Edit: Make that the Site and Forum Feedback forum...


    formal straight hairstyles. Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle
  • Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle

  • funkywhat2
    Feb 29, 09:48 PM
    I was not sure where to post this, I have emailed MacRumors several times, but with no reply.

    I can pull up the main page of but when clicking next page I get a response unknown error with my Nokia 3200.

    This also happened on my old 7210 phone too.

    This would indicate non complaint wml code on the 2nd page, as this is the error Nokia's tend to give (they do not attempt to display non complaint code)



    works for me, on some nokia, i don't know what kind, but it's like tan-ish and has a color screen.

    formal straight hairstyles. Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle
  • Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 19, 05:58 PM
    i have the exact same problem, i can't get update to work, i unplugged all the usb and firewire cables etc. nothing, beeeeep, reboot, grey screen, apple and circle for normal boot... frustration.

    i'm running startup disk in sriped raid, can this influence the update?
    Well well, I did not know you could boot from a raid set. Live and learn, this is great news, your bood drive can use all 4 drives stripped and mirrored, kool!!!!

    formal straight hairstyles. Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle
  • Formal Medium Straight Hairstyle

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 6, 09:40 PM
    What's wrong with a keyboard or touch typing? I guess I don't see where you're going with this, as typing on a touch screen for long pieces of work or long periods of time is far less efficient. I see where the touch interface has its uses, but in some places it's just far less practical.

    You *can* touch type on an iPad, though. I type long emails on it without looking at the screen. I wonder if people just assume you can't, so they don't try.

    Apr 14, 03:55 PM
    I wonder why I often see signs like this in stores ...

    Seems to me that I have only seen those signs at places where excessive inebreation by customers could be a problem, ie: bars, some places downtown in the bar district, etc.

    Anyways, if you don't want to sell something to somebody for WHATEVER reason, no matter how ridiculous, shouldn't that be your right?

    Sep 15, 12:22 PM
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by scem0

    I am definitely not a 'power user', but I am a hardcore gamer. And when I see a

    Apr 13, 08:51 AM
    It's highly unlikely that "unused programs" are what's slowing your system down. What's far more likely is a bad hard drive. We're not talking about Windows here--you're not likely to have a bunch of rogue processes running in the background chewing up all of your processor time.

    Open up and look through the logs. If you're running 10.5 or older, check /var/log/system.log. On 10.6, check /var/log/kernel.log. Look for something like this:

    disk0s2: I/O error

    That would be indicative of a failing hard drive.

    Thomas Veil
    Apr 11, 05:13 AM
    Look, this is the second time you've told me, incorrectly, what you think I believe.

    "Informed people" is self-explanatory. I don't intend to spoon-feed you a response just so you can intentionally misrepresent it a third time.

    Oct 6, 12:09 PM
    And i still fold. The widget says i'm #58 @ 116 days from Dreadnought.
    Make that 133 days! :D Too bad Virtual PC quit on me (and deleted my whole 10 GB windoos partition), because I have 2 finished WU's from my pc @ work (firewall at work blocks the up and download of wu's from Stanford), about 500 points worth! So Red_eye, first try and come close then we see if you've got what it takes to overtake me! :D

    Too bad the store is in Belgium, I thought you lived in the Netherlands, Amsterdam or something, then I would have come by some day!!

    Good luck and I'll be watching you (over my shoulder!!).

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