Wednesday, June 1, 2011

prepaid visa card

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 26, 03:48 PM
    Yeah I paired it manually but it didn't work.

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  • bryan85
    Jul 7, 12:03 AM
    And this is just the front�

    Yikes! Talk about a data security nightmare! :eek:

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  • daa709
    Oct 24, 06:43 PM
    How bad do you guys think the queue will be? :confused:

    The earliest I can be there is 3.30, will that be early enough for a t-shirt? :D

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  • Liquorpuki
    Apr 8, 09:03 PM
    I am not saying no one should produce children. I am just saying its not the job of the government to make sure people are only cranking out units when they are "ready". Its called personal responsibility. If you get knocked up, deal with it. It's usually your own fault. Maybe your parents should have taught you to keep your pants on. It's not up the the government to teach you these things.

    So what about pap smears, cancer detection, HPV detection, STD testing and immunization, sex education, and all the other things that don't have to do with popping out units that the GOP will also be killing?

    Maybe we should also tell women that in the name of personal responsibility, they need to learn how to detect cervical cancer their own damn self. Maybe we should also tell a guy with Chlamydia that he should buy a chemistry set and invent his own damn cure.


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  • nagromme
    Jan 5, 08:06 PM
    Always good to see more options. But my Android friends relying on Google navigation find themselves up a creek due to this same issue of network dependence. While my pre-stored Navigon MyRegion for iPhone keeps on navigating! 3G has small dead spots even in major cities, and that’s enough to miss a turn.

    In fact, my old iPhone 3G that doesn’t even have phone service anymore still works great as an in-car voice-guided GPS with Navigon. (Just don’t put it into airplane mode—that saves power but seems to shut down the GPS as well as the other radios.)

    MyRegion is cheap (it’s regional but upgradable) and it even goes on sale sometimes—I’m really happy with it. Very slick iOS UI, but in a non-distracting black-and-brown. (Unlike the cluttered, garish UI that Garmin app seems to have.) And it multitasks nicely with Pandora AND any other GPS app I want! Sometimes I run Navigon MyRegion in the background for the voice guidance, while Google Earth is in the foreground showing me the real photographic landscape. Two GPS apps running at once can be the best of both worlds :)

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  • bushido
    Apr 25, 01:50 PM
    i bet u half the people wouldn't even understand how to install a OS without a physical disc, not everyone is as involved with stuff like that.

    if i were to ask my family what "mount an image" means none of them would know what i'm talking about lol


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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 12, 03:50 PM
    WTF? Why does the MS Office updater force me to quit chrome ????

    Silverlight probably.

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  • redeye be
    Jul 14, 06:26 PM
    My user name is Astral_Cars and ID number is 379088 (I think) but my stats aren't on EOC, that's the problem. I've had it running for three or four days and I'm still not on there.
    Nothing anybody here can do really. has no Astral_Cars either.
    Maybe you should just wait until you've ended a WU or you've mistyped your username.


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  • Adam-
    Apr 5, 11:26 AM
    When you are watching a YouTube video, I tend to forget where the home button is. Or when surfing the web for some time while in the dark.

    And I don't literally mean glow in the dark like those cheap Halloween things, I'm talking about an actual light behind the capitative square symbol which has a sensor which turns on when there is a certain level of darkness.

    I can easily envisage this happening . It would look fantastic.

    Wouldn't that be so annoying in the dark, like the backlight on the keyboard of a MBP when your watching a movie?

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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 17, 04:51 PM
    No, both should just be civil offences.


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  • Flying Llama
    May 28, 11:41 AM
    thx mate. Positive words are always nice to hear/read!

    Your welcome!

    Actually you can already. I just put some 'MacRumors' text on the back to maybe steal some folders from other teams when i release the beta to the whole wide world ;).

    Ahh smart indeed! ;)

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  • Lacero
    Sep 17, 11:00 AM
    How would one go about dating an Apple employee??
    Could you surreptitiously take a photo of her with an iSight and post her picture here? I wanna see just how gorgeous this girl is. Or what that be too much to ask?


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  • WannaGoMac
    Apr 5, 05:14 PM
    this is on the new macbook? Weird.

    This is all they have now

    MagSafe power port
    Gigabit Ethernet port
    Mini DisplayPort
    Two USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps)
    Audio in/out
    Kensington lock slot

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  • Geckotek
    Apr 13, 11:42 AM
    Verizon models <snip>...they only work in the US.

    Not a 100% true statement.


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  • miniroll32
    May 2, 12:50 PM
    OK - supposing the White iPhone was slightly thicker.... So *********g what?

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  • pixpixpix
    Aug 19, 11:57 AM
    If you are concerned about letting friends see where you are, create a list called "placesfriends" and use privacy settings to only show your "Places I check in" to friends on that list.


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  • ImAlwaysRight
    Sep 25, 11:21 AM
    It says "MacBook" updates at this event. I hope that wasn't a typo! :eek: :D
    It is not a typo, but look at the full statement: There have been rumors of Aperture updates and possibly MacBook updates at this event.
    You have neglected two key words, "rumors" and "possibly." Those two words in combination like that shouldn't get your hopes up that much for a MacBook update. :(

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  • Rat-Boy
    Aug 19, 10:19 AM
    Why is everyone ragging on Facebook for this?

    It's not as if they invented it.

    Foursquare, Loopt and Gowalla have had these types of apps for many many months.

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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 19, 03:10 AM
    Your first points are up bennieboy, welcome to the team :D

    We have 75 active folders now :D

    Apr 2, 02:32 PM
    If you have been using a computer for the last 20 years, there is no question that Word currently is the way to go, it seems to be perfected.

    The future for Pages is much brighter then for Word, bit of a learning curve, but looking forward to Pages 2 (and Apple getting another $79)

    I have to agree with most here that Pages didn't live up to my expectations. However, I can't agree with you that Word has been perfected. Word is complete nightmare in certain situations. Its non-intuitive and not very user friendly in many cases (especially the windows version!). I do prefer it to Pages, but its by no means the best that can be done.

    Keynote on the other hand is fantastic, and considerably easier to use and prettier than Powerpoint.

    Oct 9, 04:15 PM
    I bought a season of a TV show on iTunes for $25 or so. I saw the same season at Walmart for $45 or so. I'm just sayin'.

    Doctor Q
    Oct 16, 04:38 PM
    It will be a surprise if they don't name a phone iPhone after getting all those trademarks. They certainly wouldn't save it for another future product while coming out with an Apple-branded phone.

    Is there any chance they have another name in mind for their product but got the patents in order to lock up the name to prevent competitors from using it? Personally, I doubt it.

    Feb 27, 07:04 AM
    I wonder what this means for being able to install virtual servers on Parallels and the like?

    For one thing it will be cheaper. Family Pack vs having to pay $500 per copy. I hope Apple doesn't cripple it.

    Jun 20, 05:43 AM
    No. Apple has an application called Aperture. Many DSLR cameras for professional users (for example the press) use SD cards to save the picture data. HD camcorders use also SD cards to save the video data.

    You obviously do not know the SD card market. Cheap and fast SD cards with a capacity of 1 GB (a CD holds 0.7 GB or 700 MB) are now available for 3 to 5 years. The reasons why most people do not use these for the data exchange are that USB flash drives are much cheaper, more robust and nearly every computer has a USB port.

    Ah, so that makes sense. Since macs are used extensively by video/audio people, it would make sense that apple would provide support for this new tech, even though it hasn't been thoroughly tested yet. Apple often waits till technology's tested before it makes the leap, unless it's really sure it's a good idea (USB).

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